Looking for a Smile makeover? Veneers is the answer

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Looking for a Smile makeover? Veneers is the answer

Looking for a Smile makeover? Veneers is the answer

Dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are thin shells of tooth-colored materials, made to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance.

Dental veneers can be made from porcelain or from resin composite materials. Porcelain veneers resist stains better than resin veneers and appear more like natural teeth. You will need to discuss the best choice of veneer material for you with your dentist.

Uses/indications for veneers-

Veneers are routinely used to fix the teeth that are-

  • Discoloured,
  • worn down, chipped or broken teeth
  • misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped teeth
  • teeth with gaps between them (to close the space between these teeth)


  • They provide a natural tooth appearance.
  • Porcelain veneers are stain resistant.
  • The color of a porcelain veneer can be selected such that it makes dark teeth appear whiter.
  • Veneers offer a conservative approach to changing a tooth’s color and shape; veneers generally don’t require the extensive shaping prior to the procedure that crowns.


  • The process is not reversible.
  • Veneers are more costly than composite resin bonding.
  • Veneers are usually not repairable should they chip or crack.

Procedure for getting a Dental Veneer:

Getting a dental veneer usually requires three trips to the dentist –

  1. Consultation
  2. Preparation of teeth for veneers.
  3. Cementation of veneers


Diagnosis and treatment planning: During this appointment, your dentist will examine your teeth to make sure dental veneers are appropriate for you and discuss what the procedure will involve and some of its limitations. He or she also may take X-rays and possibly make impressions of your mouth and teeth. 


To prepare a tooth for a veneer, your dentist will remove about 1/2 millimeter of enamel from the tooth surface, which is an amount nearly equal to the thickness of the veneer to be added to the tooth surface. It usually takes 1-2 weeks for your dentist to receive the veneers back from the laboratory. Temporary dental veneers would be placed on the prepared surfaces for these 1-2 weeks while you are waiting for the permanent veneers.


A special cement is applied to the veneer and the permanent veneer is then placed on your tooth. Your dentist may ask you to return for a follow-up visit in a couple of weeks to check how your gums are responding to the presence of your veneer and to once again examine the veneer’s placement.

How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

Veneers generally last between 5 and 10 years. After this time, the veneers would need to be replaced.

Dental veneers do not require any special care. Continue to follow good oral hygiene practices, including brushing and flossing as you normally would. And dentist visit every 6 months.

More about Veneers-

  • Veneers may not exactly match the color of your other teeth. Also, the veneer’s color cannot be altered once in place. If you plan on whitening your teeth, you need to get them whitened (bleaching) before getting veneers.
  • Though not likely, veneers can dislodge and fall off. To minimize the chance of this occurring, do not bite your nails; chew on pencils, ice, or other hard objects; or otherwise put excessive pressure on your teeth.
  • Teeth with veneers can still experience decay, possibly necessitating full coverage of the tooth with a crown.
  • Veneers are not a good choice for individuals with unhealthy teeth (for example, those with decay or active gum disease), weakened teeth (as a result of decay, fracture, large dental fillings), or for those who have an inadequate amount of existing enamel on the tooth surface.
  • Individuals who clench and grind their teeth are poor candidates for porcelain veneers, as these activities can cause the veneers to crack or chip.
  • Even though porcelain veneers resist stains, your dentist may recommend that you avoid stain-causing foods and beverages (for example, coffee, tea, or red wine).

How Much Do Veneers Cost?

Please contact us for an estimate.

For any further queries contact us at rydedentalfamily.com.au or call us on (02) 9807 9800